Abelssoft PDF Compressor 2019 is free to download from our software library. For all the advantages that they have, Portable Document Format files do have one drawback and that is their size, which can be quite impressive sometimes, and consequently take up a lot of disk space as well as a lot of time to transfer or even load into a printer
However, there are means of reducing their dimensions, and one of them is PDF Compressor, a compact and user-friendly application that can be used to process files individually or in batch, in just a few swift mouse moves.
Features of Abelssoft PDF Compressor 2019
- Novice-accessible and compact looks
- The program comes with an intuitive and easy to handle GUI, making it suited both for experienced and inexperienced individuals who may have need of it.
- The interface of PDF Compressor is comprised of a medium-sized, non-adjustable window, initially showing nothing more than a button, until you add files to it.
- Reduce the size of PDF files and save up disk space
- For starters, the utility lets you load the files you wish to process either by drag and dropping them onto its surface or by browsing through your computer and opening them manually. You can work with one or several files at once, in the latter case displaying a preview of them in separate tabs.
- By means of a dedicated slider, you can define the level of quality you need for the resulting files, allowing you to choose the percentage you are willing to sacrifice from the documents. You can preview all pages of the file, but you cannot do this in full size.
- Once you have made your configuration, you can click on ‘Compress’ and you will be prompted to choose a destination folder for your files, exporting them within moments, so you can continue working with them.
- A lightweight and streamlined size reducer for PDFs
- In summary, PDF Compressor is a useful and effective software solution built for those who need to reduce the amount of space taken up by Portable Document Format files on the computer, enabling you to customize the level of quality with little effort.